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Results RX – The Cure for Common Communications


There’s a big difference between what we want to show, say and explain in business – and what people want to see, hear and understand. How do you make people do what you want them to do – whether it’s buy a product, book a hotel or attend a conference? Here’s the prescription to achieve the critical results you need. It’s the cure for common communications and it’s fast-acting and easy to swallow.

The Symptoms


Loss of desire

No energy

No passion


Lack of motivation

Just want to sit there and not do anything

If that sounds like your attendees, employees, clients or customers, then they are stricken with the dreaded “Facts Fatigue.” It is an epidemic that afflicts millions per year around the globe. It’s caused by loading them down with endless information and then sitting back and waiting for them to act. Guess what? They don’t.

In this blog, however, you’ll find out that “Facts Fatigue” is curable. There is an amazing treatment that can rejuvenate them and spur them to action. It restores youthful vigor, vitality and communicates with amazing energy. As I remind people every week: The goals of communication are understanding and action. Both are 100% dependent on each person having a personal, intellectual and emotional connection with the content.

So what’s the secret prescription that drives meaningful results? Here’s the Cure!

“All Results in business come from Think, Feel, Act & Do.”

A Wise Man

The Cure = Think, Feel, Act, Do

For quick relief for the pain of emotionless content, marketing and communication, just make these four ideas your prime objectives. They are the keys to delivering the results you need.


You want customers, clients, employees and audiences to think about the ideas, information, products, services and benefits you are presenting. It’s not enough for them to simply pay attention. You want them to process, evaluate, understand and value. The problem is what I call “Binge Content.” That’s when we over-explain, get in the information “weeds” and overwhelm people in the hope that they will somehow just “get it.”

The truth is we can’t make anyone understand. So The Cure is to do the opposite. Under-explain, give people enough information to get their minds in gear and then let them think. You’ll quickly discover how fast people “get it” – and if they don’t, they’ll ask for anything else they need.


No feelings translate to “no sale.” No feelings translate to “I don’t care.” I’m in the results business and I’d rather infuriate people until they are boiling tar and plucking feathers than settle for no reaction at all. No emotions mean no passion – zero personalization. You need to get your critical people involved with the messages, and let them see themselves in the value. Don’t be afraid of feelings because, in fact, you need them.

Human beings are emotional by nature. We are hooked on how we feel, respond and react to the world around us. So get comfortable with the idea of stirring people up to communicate, motivate and drive your business. Honest feelings help you communicate at a deeper level and add credibility to your messages. This doesn’t happen by accident. You design it and build it in. Look at your messages in terms of feelings.

•  What would get them excited?

•  What are they upset about?

•  How would they feel if we did this?

Make them laugh, cry, worry and aspire. Make them react.


Thinking and feeling are just half of The Cure. The other goal of communication is action. Passivity isn’t profitable so get people engaged and make them act. The four things that motivate action and get people moving are:

1. A situation that demands action

2. A personal need that creates a sense of urgency

3. A personal goal that directs the action

4. A clear return or reward for taking action

Most of those motivators are personal. Remember, simple awareness gets you nowhere. The objective is to communicate to each individual: “Don’t just sit there – DO something!”


Taking action is great but we need people to do the specific things that generate the specific results we need. Action is great but your boss wants measurable results. Doing is the ultimate payoff. Doing is how you define success and measure it.

The right thing is to communicate expectations and back them with relevant information, direction and lots of “what’s in it for me?” Tell people what you want them to do – how to do it – and what they get. Otherwise, you’ve wasted your time and money. It’s that simple. And extremely powerful.

Take The Cure

So take The Cure! Look at your next project in terms of Think, Feel, Act and Do.

Every idea and message should be direct, personal and not over-explained. Make people Think.

Every marketing piece, employee communication, presentation and event should have emotional hooks. Let people Feel.

Every piece of content should have a compelling offer, an aspirational goal and a personal call to action. Teamwork is wonderful, but people succeed as individuals. Motivate each individual to Act.

Lead them to take the specific actions you need. Everything they do as a consequence of your marketing, communication or events should be traceable to the desired results. Don’t be vague. Direct people to Do what you need.

The Doctor Is In

Here’s the prescription from kindly Dr. Johnston. Do these things and you’ll gain the competitive advantage right now. Don’t get lost in the tactics and the “how” of everything. Everyone else does that! Become a better people-watcher and an observer of human behavior and you can really move the needle. Who is your audience? What kind of people are they? What do these people need to see, hear, feel and understand to do what you want them to do? Create the content and the environment that supports your message and you will see results.

The Cure for Common Communications

Think, Feel, Act, Do is the strategy you can use for every project. Use it to detox your messages from “Facts Fatigue,” focus your content, generate the specific results you need, and keep your revenue vigorous and growing. Just remember what it says on the label, “Periodic detoxification of body and mind ensures good health and considerably delays the effects of aging.”

Okay, let’s just say it significantly improves your communications and your results.

Let’s spend 15 minutes talking about your next project or challenge. It’s a free consultation so we can get to know each other. Just click on CONTACT US and get in touch.


Content GPS – How to Speak The Audience’s Language

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About the Author
Andy Johnston is a multi-faceted communication professional who has a comfortable way of working with people. Andy is an Emmy Award winning communicator known for his energy, humor, creativity and his unique ability to discover the key results that must be generated – and then to develop ingenious ways to engage and motivate audiences. He has broad experience in strategic planning, messaging, creative direction, marketing, and events. One of the things Andy says often is, “How can we make it better?”